Author: jj_e054p8u5

TNM by Marco Grob 2023

Bierhübeli Bern – The Big Show

Oh boy, oh boy! fellow funkateers, family and friends! This is an absolute MUST in your cal. We are beyond excited to have our big release show with our next album (possibly the funkiest work we ever did) at legendary BIERHÜBELI BERN! Truly "the glorious return of the funk"! Get your tickets well in advance and come make history and memories with us! Much Love, TNM ps) Picture by Marco Grob. More revealing soon! whoooweeee!...

TNM guerilla tour


Ok, ok. We got carried away a little bit without any live-shows. Much fun nevertheless. Please jump to our FB page or YOUTUBE to see what we've been doing....

tnm album

Limited Edition The Next Movement CD

Did you get a chance to check out our album? We got some copies left here. And some cool new merch as well. Of course you can get into our groove on all the digital platforms too. One love, hope to see you soon LIVE!...

higedance youtube cover

Higedance Hommage (RIP Ken Shimura 志村けん)

The Next Movement - Higedance Hommage (RIP Ken Shimura 志村けん) Here's a little heads up to our japanese friends. Leading japanese comedian Ken Shimura passed away this week after being infected by COVID-19. A great loss. We want to pay hommage to him by playing and re-funking the title melody of the show! #志村けん #stayhome #RIP #corona #covid19 #higedance #kenshimura #thnxtmvmnt #funk #love #comedian #japan #funkagainstcorona ...